🌟Getting Started

About Vibehut

Vibehut is a platform built around video calls. We all agree, in real life is the best. The people, the venues, the drinks and food... but, have you tried having a coffee chat with someone in Switzerland today? Hong Kong, Sao Paulo? It's physically impossible!

We Give up 3 Senses and Get the Ability to Teleport

With video we give up 3 of our 5 senses - smell, touch, taste ... BUT we add on the ability to teleport. In our globalized world, our family, friends, customers, followers, and investors are all around the world. We need to be as well. You can Vibehut Video for instant calls like Zoom or Google Hangouts or level up and have your own branded room to have all your video calls in one place. Your room is used to have calls, create content, build communities and earn significant amounts of money online.

Video is new and here to stay

Back of the envelope, we've had text and symbols for a long time, 6,000 years. Audio for about 120 years and pristine video calls for about 15 years. But only because of recent events, did video really become a viable communication method.

Born in the middle of the COVID-19 lockdown, the world needed a way to stay connected. Many of us used enterprise video solutions such as Zoom. This event changed how we interact forever and the data shows it. In 2023, Zoom hosted 3.3 trillion minutes of video calls. If there are 5 billion people online, that's 660 minutes per person online! But is Zoom, the final solution for online communication? We think not.

Enterprise Video Platforms Are Not The Solution

An enterprise video call is private, hidden, hosted in ugly links, and you have nothing to show for all of that time spent talking. The Michelin star chefs of Vibehut were unsatisfied with hidden calls and lack of discovery and started to design and build a better solution. The outcome was something fantastic.

There are so many differences of Vibehut and enterprise video calls that a table is needed.

FeaturesBoomer VideoVibehut.io


Hidden, ugly links

✅ Visible and showcased calls



✅ Claimed URL, branded visuals

Exclusive Access

Public or access code

✅ Private, Public, Host Approved, NFT Gated, Paid to Access



✅ Paid functionality built in. One-time, subscriptions.

Advertising Opportunities


✅ Promotion placements for brands to sponsor your calls



✅ Analytics and testimonials to highlight your calls

The flexibility of Vibehut presents several of ways that Vibehut may be used - See Case Studies The Vibehut teams organizes conversations in several of their branded Vibehut video rooms. They have a general one called General Discussion here: https://vibehut.io/general-discussion In nerd speak, Vibehut can be thought of as the largest video call network state. It instantly teleports you into calls with people around the world. There are no borders, only great conversations.

In the car world, think of it as the largest online inventory of video call communities. For the corporate world, Vibehut is the largest online trade-show with branding, advertising, scheduled events and on-demand networking. Very cool.

Vibehut is great for Calls Content, Community and Cash

On first glance we see that Vibehut is a place to have video calls. On second look, we start to evolve our understanding of what this powerful platform can offer us.


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See full page Wow, we've gone through a lot! That's enough of an introduction for now, please have a look around some of Vibehut's most popular use cases.

Last updated