
Rooms are your branded home to connect with other people online.

Simple Room

Unique url (https://vibehut.io/[your name]) with a video call attached

Room Features

  1. Title and Banner Image

  2. Claimable URL

  3. Description

  4. Events

  5. Moderators

  6. Analytics

  7. Room Chat

  8. Resources

  9. Embed

  10. Analytics

  11. Subscribers

  12. Resources

  13. Activity Feed

  14. Personas

  15. Watch

Advanced Room

Communities and conversations are not one size fits all. We allow you to configure your room to fit the exact needs of your community.

Configuration Options

  1. Room Access

    • Unlisted

    • Public

    • Password Protected

    • Host Approved

    • Plan Accessible

    • Paid to Access

    • NFT Token Gated

    • DAO Token Gated

    • Diamond Gated Gated

    • Creator Coin Gated

  2. Call Size

  3. Number of Calls

  4. Breakout Rooms (Multiple Calls)

  5. Quick Join

  6. Require Approval to Join Call

  7. Testimonials

  8. Self-Organized Community Booking

Common Questions

How many moderators can I have

On the Free plan, 2 moderators, more on higher plans.

What is the max call size

Unlimited people can tune into a livestream. 16 people can be on stage or in a call at the same time. With breakout rooms, you can have meny calls of 16 people at once.

Max call duration

We've had calls up to 8 hours.

Last updated