🧑‍💻 API for Software Developers

Vibehut is as good as the community and builders that surround it. Builders deserve the best tools to build with. We've made a REST API for all of the major aspects of Vibehut. We hope you use the API to build fantastic extensions and applications. Please reach out if you have any questions or ways we can help you further. Get API Key Profile (Bottom left) -> Account Settings -> API Your First API Call

const axios = require('axios');

const apiKey = [API KEY];
const url = 'https://vibehut.io/api/v1/public/events'; 
// or any endpont of your choosing!

const headers = {
  'api-key': `${apiKey}`

axios.get(url, { params, headers })
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {

Github Repository https://github.com/Vibehut/vibehut-api Endpoint Documentation https://vibehut.notion.site/Vibehut-V1-Api-6f005655867747228cd5fef603f2ca45?pvs=4

Last updated