Special Vibehut Features

Elite Streak Regular Streak - the streak is added to if you visit Vibehut Elite Streak - only calls on the day count toward the streak How to enable Elite Streak - click the streak label Instant Join Typically when you join a call you go to the call setup page to set your camera settings and microphone settings. Rooms can enable Instant Join, this allows users to skip the call setup page and instantly join the call with their default settings. Use by URL https://vibehut.io/roomname/instant Use by interface Hold SHIFT and the Room join call button will toggle from JOIN to INSTANT JOIN See Announcement Warpcast Frame Warpcast is a web3 social platform. They had the genius idea to allow developers develop Frames. Frames allow users to see your event and register their attendance without having to leave the Warpcast application. All Vibehut event URLs will generate a frame.x Example Frame

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